
Arogya Chyawanprash | Jeewan Kalp...

Arogya Chyawanprash- A special Gold Awaleha Herbal Immunity booster with power of Swarn Bhasm, Kesar, Musli, etc
Provides Energy and Strength, Promotes Growth and Immunity
Combats day to day infections, Speeds up recovery

Arogya Chyawanprash- A special Gold Awaleha Herbal Immunity booster with power of Swarn Bhasm, Kesar, Musli, etc
Provides Energy and Strength, Promotes Growth and Immunity
Combats day to day infections, Speeds up recovery
Anti-ageing and Rejuventor, Enhances nutritional status
POWER OF HERBS: SWARN BHASMA- For Stamina, RAJAT BHASMA- For Immunity boost, KESAR- For Strength, SAFED MUSLI- To counter weakness, MAKARDHWAJ- For Anti-Ageing, ASHWAGANDHA- For boosting Energy