
Kalera Krishna Gopal Kaleda Sugar...

Reinforces The Immune System And Helps Fight Disease. Helps in relieving recurrent infections like cough and cold by enhancing immunity,
Herbs present in chyavanprash helps promote memory and concentration
Helps to remove blood impurities, eliminates toxins and is good for the liver. Strengthens Your Body’s Internal Defense Mechanism With Anti-Oxidant Properties


Ayurvedic Chawanprash Has Anti-Oxidant Properties And Strengthens Your Body’s Internal Defense Mechanism, The Immune System, Thereby Protecting You From Everyday Infections, Cough, Cold And Stress Etc. This Chyawanprash has more than 60 pure Ayurvedic ingredients, daily consumption of which will helps to boost immunity and increase strength.

Reinforces The Immune System And Helps Fight Disease. Helps in relieving recurrent infections like cough and cold by enhancing immunity,
Herbs present in chyavanprash helps promote memory and concentration
Helps to remove blood impurities, eliminates toxins and is good for the liver. Strengthens Your Body’s Internal Defense Mechanism With Anti-Oxidant Properties
Totally Chemical-Free, Natural And Safe, Sugar Free Imunity Booster