
Zandu Sona Chandi Chyawanplus,...

It contains 51 ayurvedic ingredients prepared according to ancient texts
Active ingredients include brahmi, ashvagandha, shankapushpi and almond oil
Includes 9 immunity boosters and 5 memory enhancers


Ordinary Chyawanprash provides you with immunity, but immunity alone is not enough in today’s competitive world. To stay ahead in life you need the power of “PLUS” – “Immunity PLUS Mind Power”. Only Zandu Sona Chandi Chyawanprash “Plus” offers you Immunity + 3 Mind Benefits of Alertness, Better Memory & Concentration owing to the presence of NNA (Natural Nootropic Agents). They are Ayurvedic ingredients like
• Brahmi,
• Almond oil,
• Shankhapushpi,
• Ashwagandha,
• Jyotishmati

which are scientifically proven to improve memory, learning and concentration. Rich in antioxidants & Vitamin C, Zandu Sona Chandi ChyawanPlus, is prepared from 51 traditional Ayurvedic ingredients clinically proven to
– Helps reduce occurrences of cough & cold
– Helps reduce occurrences of allergies
– Helps improve overall body immunity
– Helps improve memory & learning ability

It contains 51 ayurvedic ingredients prepared according to ancient texts
Active ingredients include brahmi, ashvagandha, shankapushpi and almond oil
Includes 9 immunity boosters and 5 memory enhancers
Daily intake can improve immunity, aid in memory retention, prevent cough, cold, allergies and other common illnesses
Dosage: 1 teaspoon twice a day, preferably with milk

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