
Chyavanprash | ayurvedic chyavanprash...

Strengthen the immunity system
Aids in Digestion
Detoxifies the body


Chyawanprash is a daily dose for your family to build Strength & Stamina It fights illness* with the power of double immunity – (*Illness refers to common day to day infections and allergies) v One of the primary and chief benefits of Utkarsh Ayurveda Chyawanprash is that it bolsters the immunity system and enhances the natural capability of the body to produce white blood cells and hemoglobin. It proves to be instrumental in improving resistance in the natural way and provides one’s being with energy, vigor and vitality.

Strengthen the immunity system
Aids in Digestion
Detoxifies the body
improves skin and hair
Best Quality
Please read the full description for more info
effective in day to day infections and allergies
Utkarsh ayurveda products