
Axiom Royal Ayurvedic Chyawanprash...

MADE WITH DESHI COW GHEE, KASHMIRI KESARA & WILD NATURAL HONEY: Axiom Chyawanpras is made from desi cow ghee (approx. 7% A2 ghee ) which increases the potency level of chyawanprash. Polyphenolic compounds in several herbs and Wild Natural Honey in chyawanprash are found beneficial in various human degenerative diseases. Kashmiri saffron is considered to be of superior quality because of the higher concentration of crocin – a carotenoid pigment that gives saffron its medicinal value.
PLANT ORGINATED VANSHLOCHAN USED: In Axiom Chyawanprash, we used plant orginated Vanshlochan which is beneficial because of its strengthening action and adaptogenic properties. Vanshlochan has restorative effect on body tissues. According to ayurveda, it increases immunity, so it is a main ingredient of Chyawanprash used as immuno-modulator. It is a very effective medicine for cold and running nose. Artificially prepared Vanshlochan is now sold in Indian Market, used in ordinary chyawanprash.
MIXTURE OF RARE HERBS & PRAKSHEP DRAVYA: Preparation of Chyawanprash is 48 g of each of medicinal herbs, such as Bael, Agnimanth, Kashmarya, Shyonak, Paatla, Gokshur, Sarivan, Barikateri, Kantakaari, Kakdasingi, Draaksha, Haritaki, Guduchi, Amla, Bala, Bhumyamalaki, Vasa, Jivanti, Kachur, Pushkarmul, Musta, Mudagparni, Mashaparni, Shalparni, Pithawan, Pipali, Kaknasa, Varahi, Vidaarikand, Punarnava, Neelkamal, Aguru, Chandan, Shatavar, and Asgandh.


MADE WITH DESHI COW GHEE, KASHMIRI KESARA & WILD NATURAL HONEY: Axiom Chyawanpras is made from desi cow ghee (approx. 7% A2 ghee ) which increases the potency level of chyawanprash. Polyphenolic compounds in several herbs and Wild Natural Honey in chyawanprash are found beneficial in various human degenerative diseases. Kashmiri saffron is considered to be of superior quality because of the higher concentration of crocin – a carotenoid pigment that gives saffron its medicinal value.
PLANT ORGINATED VANSHLOCHAN USED: In Axiom Chyawanprash, we used plant orginated Vanshlochan which is beneficial because of its strengthening action and adaptogenic properties. Vanshlochan has restorative effect on body tissues. According to ayurveda, it increases immunity, so it is a main ingredient of Chyawanprash used as immuno-modulator. It is a very effective medicine for cold and running nose. Artificially prepared Vanshlochan is now sold in Indian Market, used in ordinary chyawanprash.
MIXTURE OF RARE HERBS & PRAKSHEP DRAVYA: Preparation of Chyawanprash is 48 g of each of medicinal herbs, such as Bael, Agnimanth, Kashmarya, Shyonak, Paatla, Gokshur, Sarivan, Barikateri, Kantakaari, Kakdasingi, Draaksha, Haritaki, Guduchi, Amla, Bala, Bhumyamalaki, Vasa, Jivanti, Kachur, Pushkarmul, Musta, Mudagparni, Mashaparni, Shalparni, Pithawan, Pipali, Kaknasa, Varahi, Vidaarikand, Punarnava, Neelkamal, Aguru, Chandan, Shatavar, and Asgandh.
POWER OF RASAYANA: Boost Immunity of respiratory tract, Helps in Detoxification, Maintains heart health, Improve Complexion, Extremely rich in vitamins and minerals, Improve digestion and eases constipation, Helps in all kinds of weaknesses, Eliminating degenerative processes, Antioxidant, Adaptogenic, Immune-Builder, Improves Digestion and Metabolism.
CERTIFICATION & DOSES: Axiom Royal Ayurvedic Chyawanprash is a WHO GMP, GLP certified. Chyawanprash can be used by all age groups in every season, as its ingredients nullify the unpleasant effects of intense weather and climate or environmental change. The general dosage of Chyawanprash 1-2 Teaspoonfuls twice a day administered with lukewarm water. Children below 10 years up to half teaspoon twice a day or as directed by physician